Superior Performance is Delivered with Unmatched Simplicity and Flexibility of Operation!
In environments where every second counts, simplicity, and flexibility are critical assets. The Warrior Hybrid provides these assets, coupled with unmatched performance, to stressed and busy emergency teams. Specifically, the Warrior Hybrid enables ER and trauma teams to operate the Warrior either with AC power or a battery, allowing for continuous resuscitation efforts using warm blood or fluids, including sensitive intra- and inter-facility transports.
Key properties of the Warrior Hybrid include:
- Fail-safe assembly: anyone can be trained to operate the device.
- Immediate warming: it should take less than 30 seconds to set up the device and get warm blood / IV fluids.
- High performance: up to 290 ml/minute for cold-stored (4℃) blood or blood components (AC-operated).
- Excellent intermittent bolus flow handling: suitable for push-pull or hand pump resuscitation methods
- Portability: battery-operated option
The Warrior Hybrid is a 3-part system composed of a controller (Base Unit, or “BU”), energy source (battery and AC Power Supply Module), and consumable single-patient warmer (Compact Disposable Unit, or “CDU”). Several accessories are offered to optimize the offering to the specific operating environments. Assembly is simple and fail-safe and takes seconds to accomplish. Blood or fluids will be warmed almost from the first drop, even at high resuscitation rates. An LCD display always reflects the incoming and outgoing blood or fluid temperature. The consumable’s fluid path is aluminum-free, thus eliminating toxicity concerns associated with aluminum. Instead, the consumable uses patented medical grade stainless steel warming technology. The efficiency of our technology ensures immediate warming. The system measures the blood or fluids’ temperature a few hundred times per second and automatically adjusts the heating to ensure 38℃ (±2℃) output. Thus, the Warrior Hybrid handles rapid bolus flows generated by push-pull, hand pump, syringe, or other flow-inducing devices such as LifeFlow™, which are common in trauma and emergency medical settings, exceptionally well. The technology has been perfected over >100,000 utilizations.