“Removing the Barriers To Prehospital Blood: A Roadmap To Success”

Credit: Schaefer, Randall M. DNP; Bank, Eric A. AS; Krohmer, Jon R. MD; Haskell, Andrew PhD; Taylor, Audra L. MS; Jenkins, Donald H. MD; Holcomb, John B. MD

Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 97(2S):p S138-S144, August 2024. | DOI: 10.1097/TA.0000000000004378

An exciting new study that unveils the progress in implementing prehospital blood transfusion (PHBT) protocols over the past years along with the barriers for adoption. The inevitable conclusion is that “By being innovative and scaling up the implementation of PHBTs across the county, we can prevent the deaths of countless patients with this lifesaving intervention“.

The train has left the station and the only question is how fast will it go…