SPARC Academy Is Sparking Alaska…

Text and Image Credit: Randi Schaefer

SPARC Academy Alaska was a great success! We were thrilled to have military (AD and NG) and civilian attendees learn about Selective Prehospital Advanced Resuscitative Care. A lot of interest in bringing LTOWB, prehospital blood, and Walking Blood Banks to The Last Frontier. It was a great blend of stakeholders coming together to improve patient care and mitigate the Walker Dip by sharing resources and practices.
Huge “Thank You” to QinFlow (Quality in Flow), Delta Development Team, Inc. 410 Medical: LifeFlow North American Rescue, LLC, and Compression Works Inc. and
Velico Medical, Inc. for donating equipment so we could do hands-on stations to reinforce the concepts.
Juan Duchesne
Charles Coyle
Tom Dransfield
Peter Antevy MD
Madonna Stotsenburg, DNP, MBA, BSN, RN, TCRN
Candace Pineda, RN, MBA,BSN, TCRN
Mark Piehl, MD, MPH
TC Byrne
Andrew Van Sumeren
Dave Allen