Simplicity, High Performance, & Affordability…

In the hospital’s surgery and ICU settings, simplicity of operation, high performance, and commercial affordability are core requirements. The Warrior AC, Warrior AC Station, and Warrior lite AC were designed to address these needs. These solutions offer high performance and are very easy to use and maintain.

The solutions differ in performance and size. As for performance:

As importantly, all solutions offer an excellent ability to deal with rapid intermittent bolus flows such as those generated via traditional push-pull methods, hand pumps, syringes, or other flow-inducing devices such as LifeFlow™.

All solutions are practically maintenance-free (i.e., inspection every 5 years); thus, they do not burden the busy biomedical engineering teams.

Finally, by adding a battery, the Warrior AC and Warrior lite AC can be transitioned to a Warrior Hybrid and Warrior lite Hybrid configuration, respectively. This feature cannot be provided with the Warrior AC Station.

* EU specification; subject to incoming fluid temperature and ambient temperature; fully charged battery assumed, where applicable.

Recommended Warrior Configuration

Warrior lite AC


The Warrior lite AC is a high-performance (from Keep Vein Open (KVO) up to 180-270 ml/minute*) yet compact and simple-to-operate warming solution for fluids, blood, and blood components for surgical suites and intensive care units.

If portability is required, the Warrior lite AC configuration can be easily transitioned to the Warrior Hybrid configuration by simply adding a battery.

The Warrior lite AC utilizes the same consumable that is used by all other Warrior configurations; thus, facilitating an effective continuum of care implementation.

* Incoming temperature of 4˚ Celsius or 20˚ Celsius, respectively

Warrior AC


The Warrior AC is a top-performance (from Keep Vein Open (KVO) up to 290-500 ml/minute*) and simple-to-operate blood and IV fluid warmer for surgical suites and intensive care units.

If portability is required, the Warrior AC model can be easily upgraded to the Warrior Hybrid by simply adding a battery. 

The Warrior AC utilizes the same consumable used by all other Warrior models; thus, facilitating an effective continuum of care implementation.

* Incoming temperature of 4˚ Celsius or 20˚ Celsius, respectively

Warrior AC Station


The Warrior AC Station is a top-performance (from KVO and up to 290-500 ml/min*) and simple-to-operate blood and IV fluid warmer for operating rooms and intensive care units.

This Warrior AC Station configuration is intended to operate with AC power source only. Therefore, it is ~30% smaller and lighter than the Warrior AC (or Warrior EXTREME AC) configuration, that was designed to operate with a battery as well.

The Warrior AC Station utilizes the same disposable unit that is used by all other Warrior configurations; thus, facilitating a continuum of care implementation.

* EU spec; subject to incoming fluid temperature and ambient temperature

“For the first time, technology has given us the capability to simply and efficiently heat blood, plasma or other fluids at the site of the injury for immediate transfusion. Countless lives may be saved as a result.


Why QinFlow?

The Warrior, Warrior EXTREME, and Warrior lite product lines are utilized across the entire continuum of care by first responders, ground and air critical care transport teams, hospital emergency departments, trauma bays, surgical suites, and intensive care units to warm fluids, blood, and blood components. When every second counts, both product lines offer unique benefits that can make a significant difference in patient outcome:

Keeping Trauma Patients Warm Is Critical!

Thermal management is a key component in the survivability rates of trauma patients. Our mission is to completely eliminate the challenges of warming blood and IV fluid from the entire continuum of emergency care so that emergency care professionals will be able to focus on what they do best- saving lives.

Illustrative Warrior Users

Joseph D. Love
Associate Professor of Surgery, McGovern Medical at UTHealth
We've been able to use the Warrior on a few occasions. So far, fantastic response!
Wren Nealy
CEO, Cypress Creek EMS (CCEMS)
We are having amazing success and save cases this past year [2020]. Just last week we infused a unit of WARMED LTOWB in 2 min [250ml/min]. The patient received 3 on-the-ground and 2 in flight and survived a non-survivable GSW [gunshot wound] to the chest!
Matt Harmon
Classical Air Medical, Rawlins, WY
Easy to use, durable and extremely fast fluid/blood warmer! Great for the transport environment.
SOF Surgeon
I have never seen any portable blood and IV fluid warmer that approximates the performance of the Warrior... The warming range, warming speed, flow rates and battery capacity are outstanding... Well done!
Timothy J. Hutchinson
MD, MCR Air Link
The Warrior works as advertised.
Eric Bank
LP Assistant Chief of EMS, HCESD48, Katy TX
We had a multiple gunshot wound patient on Saturday with a blood pressure in the 60s. Got whole blood via the Warrior with a hand off to Life Flight and their Warrior worked great - hand off was seamless.
Rodolfo (Rudy) Cabrera
Chief Flight Nurse, Memorial Hermann Life Flight, TX USA
It is a great warming device. Makes a difference in patient outcomes. Well designed and I have not one thought of changing to another project.

Need assistance?

Use our Warrior configuration tool to select the Warrior device that best fits your operational setting, clinical requirements, and budget, or contact a warming expert