SOMA 2016 (Charlotte, NC): Lt. Colonel Chris Wright said that the Warrior is, in his opinion, an ideal candidate for the UK Army’s fluid warming needs in the future.
Lt. Colonel Chris Wright introduced the Warrior in his lecture concerning “Pre-Hospital Emergency Care from the UK’s Defence Medical Services”.
He commended the quality of the Warrior – namely, its warming range and its very low resistance to flow, which makes it a prominent candidate to replace the old enFlow systems.
Finding an adequate solution to the field-related fluid warming challenge seems high on Lt. Colonel Chris Wright’s agenda. In February this year, he was asked in the Remote Healthcare Middle East conference (Abu Dhabi, UAE) the following:
“What are your priorities for the next year ahead and how can industry help overcome your current challenges”.
His detailed response ended with the following clause:
“I am always on the lookout for the perfect fluid-warmer – one that will enable my teams to administer IV or IO blood products at speed, at a good temperature, with a simple piece of kit that is not complicated to set up on the back of a moving helicopter. It goes without saying that all equipment in the modules must be cleared for use in flight and the military has a very specific set of standards and testing that it must go through before being cleared to fly”.